
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Ryker's First Dentist Visit

Ryker had his first dentist appointment yesterday! He was so excited to go to the teeth "Goc-ur". We decided to leave Radley with Grandma for the night so we didn't have both kids there. Josh and I both had cleanings as well. This was our first night away from Radley, but that made it special for both of them. We had some one-on-one time with Ryker while Radley had Grandma all to himself. 

Ryker did so good!! He let the hygienist clean his teeth completely and even floss. Right when we went back for him the dentist came in and explained that they would try cleaning them, but they wouldn't force it since most kids his age don't tolerate it. After that, the dentist would return for counting and checking for cavities. Of course Ryker did wonderful! The sweet gal told him what all of her tools were, she squirted water at a fake plant to make him laugh, she let him smell the toothpaste. It was such an awesome experience for his first time. Ryker did have some brown spots on his molars, but we learned that was because he was sick during their development (umm yes, basically the entire first year of his life!!), so that wasn't a surprise to anyone. It is nothing to worry about unless they start getting soft. Since he had a cavity free cleaning, he got a gift certificate for a free ice cream! He also got to pick out a new toothbrush (he chose the "lellow" one) and some flossers. 

Ryker was quite the hit around the office. Everyone he saw, he would ask, "What's your name?" When they responded he would say, "Nice to meet you. I'm Ryker "van woo-wen." He wanted to go back with me during my cleaning to watch. He asked the hygienist question after question after question. He even went in the room next door and was talking to another patient! I guess we know he isn't shy! He is his daddy's twin with the people skills for sure. After my cleaning, him and I went outside to burn some energy. The gal cleaning Josh's teeth was a newbie, so his took way longer than it should have. Ryker and I spent the time running up and down the sidewalk doing our exercises. We eventually climbed in the car and FaceTimed Radley. The boys did surprisingly well being away from each other. Ryker only asked where he was a couple of times. (The last time we left Radley for a couple of hours and Ryker was crying and asking to go get him. Brotherly love!!) All in all, we all got the "all clear" report. No Cavities here!